Holy Week 2024: EP 8 – I Am He

“We didn’t choose Him. He chose us.” – Jacob

This series summarize how every people have been chosen by God Himself. Everyone He chose has a unique purpose for something and everything.

In our lives, when something happened, when we meet someone, when things go on our way or not on our way, when we receive things unexpectedly or just something we ever wish, when problems come and go or keep coming, all of these, sometimes we really can’t help asking why things are happening. At first we can’t really explain nor find any answers. And in the end or when the time is right, answers reveal itself to us, and our eyes are just got opened and then everything makes sense now.

And I think that’s how God moves. He always moves in very mysterious ways. Sometimes, we thought, we know and then things happen and now we don’t know. Yet, everything seems working out just fine. Everything works out for good, not just for oneself but for everyone and everything.

It’s very mysterious yet amazing.

It’s scary and then it gets wonderful.

It’s difficult yet very fulfilling.

This road of following Jesus is undoubtedly can bring full of doubts but the sweetest as you carry your faith. This is madness but could be the best thing to happen to one’s life.